Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wow - its been over 2 years since I posted. I had trouble logging in during that time, but never the time to fix it. Well, things are slow right now, so I fixed it and here I am. I just read through my posts to see what's changed. A lot has.

First off, the building project I was talking about got back on track. In the end, we built a beautiful building that is now in use. In fact, my daughter attends the school now and I couldn't be happier! Well, I could be a little happier. We weren't able to save the pool - it is covered over in the hopes that someday we can get the proper waivers to refurbish it. It doesn't meet code, and there is no way to "grandfather" it, as it was built before there was a code! Anyway, it is a small part of the whole, and while it would have been nice to see, it will have to wait. As I said, there is no perfect project.

I should also note that I'm now in my 3rd and final term on the Board. I ran for re-election and won, but I won't be running again. I'll post on that another time.

The bathroom still doesn't work right. But I did find one amusing thing in the mean time. I was in there once when the fire alarm went off. As I started to leave to exit the building, I noticed that the strobe light was causing the faucets and the soap dispensers to randomly shoot out water and soap. Each time the strobe flashed, the dispenser made its squidgy little whine, and the the water turned on to slowly wash the soap uselessly down the drain. Priceless.

Short post but I'll be back...


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